The Barry County United Way is now accepting applications for the 2017-2018 funding year.
Agencies applying for funding must be a health and human service charitable organization 501(c) 3 as determined by the Internal Revenue Service or be a 501(c), incorporated in the State of Michigan. The not for profit agency must provide services to Barry County residents in one of the four funding areas:
- Helping youth achieve their full potential
- Supporting families to achieve well being and success
- Assisting senior adults find support and maintain independence
- Addressing urgent and emerging needs in Barry County
The allocations process includes a Committee of community peers that review the applications as well as the annual budget and take extreme care when designating funds. The Allocations Committee takes great pride in helping to fund local programming and is encouraged by the continued growth of local programs that you provide.
Completed applications must be received in our office by Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 5PM for consideration. Please package your application as follows:
- Six copies (including the original)
- Three holed punched
- All documents (unless otherwise noted) and attachments must accompany the application
- Please place the documents in the order listed on the Annual Document Review & Eligibility Checklist
- A separate application is required for each program for which you are requesting funding
We ask that you take a moment to review the annual document review checklist and the Barry County United Way goals to determine your eligibility to apply for funding. Application is available to download HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact Lani Forbes at (269) 945-4010.